środa, 23 kwietnia 2014

23 kwietnia 2004 r. (starcia żołnierzy z szyickimi bojówkarzami)

A dzisiaj głos suchego komunikatu prasowego Associated Press o starciach Polaków z szyickimi bojówkarzami w centrum Karbali. Zaatakowany konwój polsko-litewsko-łotewsko-bułgarski przemierzał centrum Karbali w codziennym patrolu. 

Polish Troops Clash With Shiite Militia (And Bulgarian, Latvian and Lithuanian)

Associated Press| Fri, Apr 23, 2004 | AP 

Posted on 23.4.2004 13:04:15

KARBALA, Iraq - Shiite Muslim militiamen clashed with Polish-led coalition troops in the holy city of Karbala on Friday, the latest skirmish between followers of a radical cleric and coalition forces in the south.

One soldier was injured and taken to a military hospital for treatment, officials said.
Militiamen attacked a military convoy made up of Polish, Bulgarian, Lithuanian and Latvian soldiers near city hall in the center of Karbala around the time of weekly Muslim prayers, said Lt. Col. Robert Strzelecki, spokesman for Camp Babylon, the main Polish base. Gunmen and soldiers exchanged fire.

Strzelecki said he would withhold the nationality of the injured soldier until the soldier's national ministry of defense was notified.

After the attack, a combat force made up of Poles, Bulgarians, Lithuanians and Latvians were sent in to "secure the area and reinforce the city hall," according to a statement e-mailed by another multinational force spokesman, Maj. Slawomir Walenczykowski.

The militia of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr rose up across the south at the beginning of April, taking control of several cities and engaging in bloody battles with coalition forces in the region. Over the past week the militiamen have returned police stations in Karbala, Kufa and Najaf to Iraqi authorities, but gunmen continue to roam the streets and have occasionally fired on coalition troops.

Friday's broad daylight attack came just hours after city hall was slammed by mortar fire, injuring an Iraqi policeman, the division reported.

On Wednesday and again Thursday, the coalition base in Karbala, known as Camp Kilo, was pounded with rebel mortar rounds. No one was injured, the division reported.

Mortar attacks on coalition bases throughout south-central Iraq (news - web sites) — including those in Karbala, Najaf and Hillah — have grown more frequent in recent weeks.

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